But I would like to take the time now to say thank you to everyone for their support and messages of prayer and good wishes. Even people I have never met before have been in touch via this blog and my website, to tell me they will be thinking of me.
People ask me how I stay so positive throughout all the set backs and hurdles I have faced, but let me tell you something, it is incredibly difficult to become depressed and lost in self pity when there are so many amazing and supportive people behind you. My family, my boyfriend, my friends and people who I have come across because of this journey have made sure I have been able to keep my head above water, and keep going.
I have been thinking lots recently about the chances of things going wrong while I'm under the anaesthetic, and the chance that I might not wake up. If that's the case, do the people I love know how much I really do love them? Do my friends know how much they truly mean to me, and how they have shaped who I have become today? I hope so. Does my mum know how long ago I would have given up had it not been for her strength and support? How do you put into words how grateful you are for such love?
It's a cliche, and may also at times feel impossible, but it is so important to make sure that when you go to sleep at night everyone you love knows just how much you love them, (even if you feel that you don't particularly like them at that particular time!).
So thank you to everyone who has been keeping up to date with my journey, and has sent messages of support and good luck. I will let you all know how things have gone as soon as I can.
In the mean time, give the people you love a call, and tell them just that xxx